The book considers 41 Italian manufacturers of tracked tractors over the time span from 1932 to 1968, briefly describing their history and models.
The dates were consciously selected: in 1932 the first Italian tractor equipped with catenaries, the Fiat 700C, saw the light of day, while in 1968 the Carraro 450CL crawler tractor was launched on the market, a tractor that will turn 50 in 2018.
The panorama of the manufacturers of the time is extremely varied: it ranges from small craftsmen to large industry but all represent an era of activity without equal in Italian production history, especially in the post-war years.
The photos mostly refer to tractors still existing, both in the state of conservation and in that of restoration, while where this has not been possible, historical documents have been used.
The registration documents of the tracked tractors have made it possible to find important data on the homologations of these vehicles, such as speeds, engines, weights and, for the wheels, the dimensions of the tires.
The measurements shown in this book were obtained from the manufacturer's advertising material or from direct surveys by the author on the analysed medium, as for the RAL codes of paints.
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