Who doesn't know the Jaguar E type? A model that wrote automotive history and made entire generations dream.
Even today, its trail of celebrity never ends. From its first shocking appearance at the Geneva Motor Show in March 1961, the world was amazed by such beauty, harmony, and sensuality of line combined with an excellence of performance never seen before except in competition cars.
Even illustrious competitors, like the great Enzo Ferrari, felt obliged to take their hats off to this phenomenon of style, going so far as to define it with the lapidary phrase that everyone knows: "l’auto più bella che sia mai stata costruita" (the most beautiful car ever built).
Una leggenda chiamata Jaguar E Type celebrates the 60th anniversary of this car, which has become a milestone in world motoring, by telling the story of its origins, evolution, technique and sporting career.
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Tona Michel - Hubert Baradat - Laurent Duchene
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