The official yearbook Ferrari 1962 is part of a series of editions - those from 1962 to 1967 - that introduces a criterion of homogeneity that was highly demanded by collectors.
The format is identical (21 × 27 cm), the pages vary from a minimum of 102 to a maximum of 140, with a cardboard cloth cover. The texts are prepared in the company's own house, by Franco Gozzi with careful editing by Enzo Ferrari.
The graphic layout is very accurate, by the architects Diego Manelli and Danilo Rondelli from Bologna, and the printing is also Bolognese, by Edizioni Calderini of Cesare Perdisa.
Like every Ferrari yearbook, an accurate overview of technical and racing activities and news in production: races, results and victories, cars and drivers protagonists, and new, significant experiences. And an evocative selection of pictures.
Limited edition to 3,500 copies.
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