All you need to know about getting maximum performance with reliability from the famous Jaguar XK six-cylinder engine. A book packed with easily understood and down-to-earth advice based on the author’s many years of hands-on experience.
Reprinted after a long absence, How To Power Tune Jaguar XK 3.4, 3.8 & 4.2 Litre Engines gives full details on camshafts, camshaft timing, valve springs and cylinder head options and modifications. Carburation chapters cover: 13/4 and 2 inch twin SU setups; triple 2 inch SU; and triple Weber and Dellorto setups.
A special section is included on modifying SU for improved engine performance, along with the relevant needle specifications. There are also full details on ignition systems and timing, exhaust manifolds and systems and general tune-up information.
120 pages and 76 pictures.
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