After the great success of the books on GRAC and Marcadier, now completely sold out, comes the book PYGMEE 1965-1973.
It details the exceptional adventure of Marius Dal Bo and his splendid single-seaters. Between 1965 and 1973, the PYGMEE delighted fans of the "blue of France" on all the international circuits.
Relive this magnificent saga, narrated by Gérard Gamand - already author of the previous books - with 256 pages and 450 photos, most of them totally unpublished.
A precious volume, indispensable for all those who are passionate about the history of motor racing, and a great opportunity to complete or start a collection of books on French brands.
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Ferrington Adam - Silva Alessandro
Maglieri Claudio - Forti Gianfabio
Steiner Guenther
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