Dualism: it is the archetype of western culture, from which duel and antagonism derive. The contrast between Ettore and Achille, the choice of field, the identification of one of the two protagonists are themselves a way of being. In the modern era, only sport, feeding on epochal contrasts, has been able to incarnate and revive this classic scheme from time to time. In this sense, motor racing is no exception, which feeds on memorable comparisons on the edge of the moments taken away from the opponent and with the invisible hand of the constant risk resting on the shoulder. Like what from the mid-eighties until 1993 they hired Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna. Different personalities, manifest hostility that concealed a profound mutual respect, immense class exhibited by one as well as the other.
This book tells their rivalry in an intense and poignant tone, marked by unforgettable stages for Formula One fans. Until the tragic epilogue of May 1, 1994 in Imola, when the relationship between the two had cleared.
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Giunta Giovanni
Frangione Enzo - Frangione Beatrice
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