This is not a book about motor racing, nor are there any rankings, starting orders or race reports. Rather, it is a compendium of emotions, those that belong to the world of motor racing without, however, ever coming to the fore.
The races are not only those accounts that go down in history, but also the behind-the-scenes stories, the extravagant adventures, the unforeseen events and even those improbable happenings that give depth to a world where the human aspect goes beyond the purely technical.
Half a century of work has allowed the author, Carlo Cavicchi, to see with his own eyes, to note down the stories of many protagonists or even to study old facts of the past that have turned up quite casually.
Here the world of car racing is reported in a transversal manner, touching on all the main disciplines with a kaleidoscope of more or less famous drivers who have made great exploits even when they did not appear in the order of arrival. Formula 1, rallies, American races, Grand Prix between the two wars, endurance racing.
100+1 incredible, amusing and exciting stories known to few and forgotten by many. Better to have them fixed on paper while there is still time.
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Maglieri Claudio - Forti Gianfabio
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